Organisational chart
Board of Directors
Barbara D'Alessio, President
Alessia Migliore, Member
Luciano Finotto, Member
Pietro D'Ignazio, Accountant
Scientific Director
Prof. Ferdinando Squitieri: Neurologist, geneticist and psychiatrist, he has been working on Huntington's Disease and related rare diseases, both as a physician and as a researcher, since 1984. Principal Investigator of the European Huntington Network and the Huntington Study Group. Head of the Huntington Research and Treatment Unit and rare diseases IRCCS Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza and Istituto Mendel in Rome. For over 15 years he has been appointed Professor of Medical Genetics, at La Sapienza University of Rome.
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
- Padre Bernardo Maria Gianni, Abbot at San Miniato al Monte Abbey in Florence (President)
- Umberto Sabatini, Professor of Neuroradiology, Magna Grecia University of Catanzaro (member)
- Giuseppe Curcio, Professor of Psychology, L'Aquila University (member)
- Marco Salvadori, Gene Carrier (member)
- Giusy Conza, Lawyer (member)
- Barbara D'Alessio, President of Fondazione Lega Italiana Ricerca Huntington
Read the Institutional Review Board (IRB) regulation attached below.
- NOI Huntington – La rete Italiana dei Giovani
- Associazione LIRH Puglia
- Associazione LIRH Toscana
- Associazione LIRH Sardegna